function [peak_threshold, extent_threshold] = ... stat_threshold(search_volume, voxel_volume, fwhm, ... df, p_val_peak, cluster_threshold, p_val_extent, D) %STAT_THRESHOLD % % [PEAK_THRESHOLD, EXTENT_THRESHOLD, EXTENT_THRESHOLD_1] = STAT_THRESHOLD( % [ SEARCH_VOLUME [, VOXEL_VOLUME [, FWHM [, DF [, P_VAL_PEAK % [, CLUSTER_THRESHOLD [, P_VAL_EXTENT [, D ]]]]]]]] ) % % If P-values are supplied, returns the thresholds for local maxima % or peaks (PEAK_THRESHOLD) and spatial extent of contiguous voxels % above CLUSTER_THRESHOLD (EXTENT_THRESHOLD) for t or F statistic % maps from fmrilm or multistat. If thresholds are supplied then it % returns P-values. For peaks (local maxima), two methods are used: % random field theory (Worsley et al. 1996, Human Brain Mapping, 4:58-73), % and a simple Bonferroni correction based on the number of voxels % in the search region. The final threshold is the minimum of the two. % EXTENT_THRESHOLD_1 is the extent of a single cluster chosen in advance % of looking at the data, e.g. the nearest cluster to a pre-chosen voxel % or ROI - see Friston KJ. Testing for anatomically specified regional % effects. Human Brain Mapping. 5(2):133-6, 1997. % % The random field theory threshold is based on the assumption that % the search region is a sphere, which is a very tight lower bound for any % non-spherical region, and that the data is isotropic, i.e. equal % fwhm in each direction. If the data is not isotropic, then replacing % fwhm by the geometric mean of the three x,y,z fwhm's is a very good % approximation. % % For clusters, the method of Cao, 1999, Advances in Applied Probability, % 31:577-593 is used. The cluster size is only accurate for large % CLUSTER_THRESHOLD (say >3) and large SEARCH_VOLUME. % % SEARCH_VOLUME is the volume of the search region in mm^3. Default is % 1000000, i.e. 1000 cc. The method for finding PEAK_THRESHOLD works well % for any value of SEARCH_VOLUME, even zero, which simply gives the % threshold for the image at a single voxel. % % VOXEL_VOLUME is the volume of one voxel in mm^3. Default is 1*1*1=1. % % FWHM is the fwhm of a smoothing kernel applied to the data. Default is % 0.0, i.e. no smoothing, which is roughly the case for raw fMRI data. % For motion corrected fMRI data, use at least 6mm; % for PET data, this would be the scanner fwhm of about 6mm. % % DF: If a scalar, then it is the df of the t statistic image; % if DF >=1000 then DF is set it Inf, so that it calculates % thresholds for a Gaussian image (if DF is very large the t-dbn % is almost identical to the Gaussian dbn). % If DF=[DF1, DF2] then these are the df's of the F statistic image. % If DF2 >= 1000 then DF2 is set to Inf. Default is Inf. % % P_VAL_PEAK is the row vector of desired P-values for peaks in the range % from 0 to 0.2. If the first element is greater than 1, then they are % treated as peak values and P-values are returned. Default is 0.05. % % CLUSTER_THRESHOLD is the scalar threshold of the image for clusters. % If it is less than 0.2, it is taken as a probability p, and the % cluter_thresh is chosen so that P( T > cluster_thresh ) = p. % Default is 0.001, i.e. P( T > cluster_thresh ) = 0.001. % % P_VAL_EXTENT is the row vector of desired P-values for spatial extents % of clusters of contiguous voxels above CLUSTER_THRESHOLD. % If the first element is greater than 1, then they are treated as % extent values and P-values are returned. Default is 0.05. % % D is the number of dimensions; default is 3. % % Examples: % % T statistic, 1000000mm^3 search volume, 1mm voxel volume, 20mm smoothing, % 30 degrees of freedom, P=0.05 and 0.01 for peaks, cluster threshold chosen % so that P=0.001 at a single voxel, P=0.05 and 0.01 for extent: % % stat_threshold(1000000,1,20,30,[0.05 0.01],0.001,[0.05 0.01]); % % peak_threshold = 5.0589 5.7803 % Cluster_threshold = 3.3852 % extent_threshold = 3340.2 6315.5 % extent_threshold_1 = 2872.9 5709.5 % % Check: Suppose we are given peak values of 5.0589, 5.7803 and % spatial extents of 3841.9, 6944.4 above a threshold of 3.3852, % then we should get back our original P-values: % % stat_threshold(1000000,1,20,30,[5.0589 5.7803],3.3852,[3340.2 6315.5]); % % P_val_peak = 0.0500 0.0100 % P_val_extent = 0.0500 0.0100 % P_val_extent_1 = 0.0372 0.0074 % % Another way of doing this is to use the fact that T^2 has an F % distribution with 1 and 30 degrees of freedom, and double the P values: % % stat_threshold(1000000,1,20,[1 30],[0.1 0.02],0.002,[0.1 0.02]); % % peak_threshold = 25.5927 33.4115 % Cluster_threshold = 11.4596 % extent_threshold = 3297.8 6305.1 % extent_threshold_1 = 1869.0 4402.3 % % Note that sqrt([25.5927 33.4115 11.4596])=[5.0589 5.7803 3.3852] % in agreement with the T statistic thresholds, but the spatial extent % thresholds are very close but not exactly the same. %############################################################################ % COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2000 K.J. Worsley and C. Liao, % Department of Mathematics and Statistics, % McConnell Brain Imaging Center, % Montreal Neurological Institute, % McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. %, % % Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this % software and its documentation for any purpose and without % fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright % notice appears in all copies. The author and McGill University % make no representations about the suitability of this % software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without % express or implied warranty. %############################################################################ % Defaults: if nargin < 1 search_volume=1000000 end if nargin < 2 voxel_volume=1.0 end if nargin < 3 fwhm=0.0 end if nargin < 4 df = Inf end if nargin < 5 p_val_peak = 0.05 end if nargin < 6 cluster_threshold = 0.001 end if nargin < 7 p_val_extent = 0.05 end if nargin < 8 D=3 end if D>3 fprintf('D>3 not implemented yet'); thresh=NaN return end % is_tstat=1 if it is a t statistic, 0 if it is an F statistic: is_tstat=(length(df)==1); if is_tstat df1=1; df2=df; else df1=df(1); df2=df(2); end if df2 >= 1000 df2=Inf end % Find lower limit for F statistic values: if df1<=20 % Upper 0.2 quantiles of sqrt(F_(nu,Inf)) for nu=1:20: q=[1.28 1.27 1.24 1.22 1.21 1.19 1.18 1.17 1.17 1.16 1.15 ... 1.15 1.14 1.14 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.12 1.12 1.12]; tlim=q(df1); else % Wilson-Hilferty approximation for nu>20: tlim=(1-2/9/df1+0.84162*sqrt(2/9/df1))^(3/2); tlim=round(tlim*100)/100; end % Values of the F statistic based on squares of t values: t=[100:-0.1:10.1 10:-0.01:tlim].^2; % Find the upper tail probs of the F distribution by % cumulating the F density using the mid-point rule: n=size(t,2); tt=(t(1:(n-1))+t(2:n))/2; if df2==Inf u=df1*tt; b=exp(-u/2-gammaln(df1/2)-df1/2*log(2)+(df1/2-1)*log(u)); else u=df1*tt/df2; b=(1+u).^(-(df1+df2)/2).*u.^(df1/2-1)*df1/df2/beta(df1/2,df2/2); end pt=[0 -cumsum(b.*diff(t))]; % Random field theory if fwhm>0 & D>0 & search_volume>0 resels=zeros(1,3); if D==2 radius=(search_volume/pi)^(1/2); resels(1)=pi*radius/fwhm; end if D==3 radius=(search_volume/(4/3*pi))^(1/3); resels(1)=4*radius/fwhm; resels(2)=2*pi*(radius/fwhm)^2; end resels(D)=search_volume/fwhm^D; f1=sqrt(2*log(2)/pi); rho=zeros(3,length(t)); if df2==Inf u=df1*t; b1=exp(-(df1-2)/2*log(2)-gammaln(df1/2)); c1=exp((df1-1)/2*log(u)-u/2); rho(1,:)=f1*b1*c1; c2=exp((df1-2)/2*log(u)-u/2); rho(2,:)=f1^2*b1*c2.*(u-(df1-1)); c3=exp((df1-3)/2*log(u)-u/2); rho(3,:)=f1^3*b1*c3.*(u.^2-(2*df1-1)*u+(df1-1)*(df1-2)); else u=df1*t/df2; b1=exp(gammaln((df1+df2-1)/2)-gammaln(df1/2)-gammaln(df2/2)); c1=exp((df1-1)/2*log(u)-(df1+df2-2)/2*log(1+u)); rho(1,:)=f1*b1*c1*sqrt(2); b2=exp(gammaln((df1+df2-2)/2)-gammaln(df1/2)-gammaln(df2/2)); c2=exp((df1-2)/2*log(u)-(df1+df2-2)/2*log(1+u)); rho(2,:)=f1^2*b2*c2.*((df2-1)*u-(df1-1)); b3=exp(gammaln((df1+df2-3)/2)-gammaln(df1/2)-gammaln(df2/2)); c3=exp((df1-3)/2*log(u)-(df1+df2-2)/2*log(1+u)); p2=(df2-1)*(df2-2); p1=-(2*df1*df2-df1-df2-1); p0=(df1-1)*(df1-2); rho(3,:)=f1^3*b3*c3/sqrt(2).*(p2*u.^2+p1*u+p0); end pval_rf=1-exp(-(pt+resels*rho)); else if D==0 | search_volume==0 pval_rf=pt; else pval_rf=1.0; end end % Bonferroni pval_bon=min((search_volume/voxel_volume+1)*pt,1); % Minimum of the two: pval=min(pval_rf,pval_bon); if p_val_peak(1) < 0.2 % Make sure it is monotonic: monotonic=find(diff(pval)>0); peak_threshold=interp1(pval(monotonic),t(monotonic),p_val_peak ... *(1+is_tstat)).^(1/(1+is_tstat)) end if p_val_peak(1) > 1 % p_val_peak is treated as a peak value: P_val_peak=interp1(t,pval,p_val_peak.^(1+is_tstat))/(1+is_tstat) peak_threshold=P_val_peak; end % Cluster size: if fwhm<=0 | D==0 | search_volume==0 return end if cluster_threshold >= 1 tt=cluster_threshold.^(1+is_tstat); else % cluster_threshold is treated as a probability: % Make sure pt is monotonic: monotonic=find(diff(pt)>0); tt=interp1(pt(monotonic),t(monotonic),cluster_threshold*(1+is_tstat)); Cluster_threshold=tt.^(1/(1+is_tstat)) end rhoD=interp1(t,rho(D,:),tt); p=interp1(t,pt,tt); % Expected number of clusters: EL=resels(D)*rhoD/(1+is_tstat); if df2==Inf if p_val_extent(1) < 1 pS=-log(1-p_val_extent)/EL; extent_threshold=p/rhoD/gamma(D/2+1)*fwhm^D*(-log(pS))^(D/2) else % p_val_extent is now treated as a spatial extent: pS=exp(-(p_val_extent/p*rhoD*gamma(D/2+1)/fwhm^D).^(2/D)); P_val_extent=1-exp(-pS*EL) extent_threshold=P_val_extent; end else % Find dbn of S by taking logs then using fft for convolution: ny=2^12; f=zeros(ny,5); a=D/2; b2=a*5*sqrt(2/(df1+df2)); b1=a*log(1-(1-0.000001)^(2/(df2-D))); dy=(b2-b1)/ny; b1=round(b1/dy)*dy; y=((1:ny)'-1)*dy+b1; yy=exp(y.*(y<0)/a); % Density of log(Beta(1,(df2-D)/2)^(D/2)): f(:,1)=(1-yy).^((df2-D)/2-1).*((df2-D)/2).*yy/a.*(y<0); for i=2:(D+2) nu=(df1+df2-D)*(i==2)+(df2+4-i)*(i>2); aa=a*(i==2)-1/2*(i>2); yy=y/aa+log(df1+df2); % Density of log((chi^2_nu)^aa): f(:,i)=exp(nu/2*yy-exp(yy)/2-(nu/2)*log(2)-gammaln(nu/2))/abs(aa); end % Check: sum(f*dy,1) should be 1 omega=2*pi*((1:ny)'-1)/ny/dy; shift=complex(cos(-b1*omega),sin(-b1*omega))*dy; prodfft=prod(fft(f),2).*shift.^(D+1); % Density of Y=log(B^(D/2)*U^(D/2)/sqrt(det(Q))): ff=real(ifft(prodfft)); % Check: sum(ff*dy) should be 1 mu0=exp(D*log(2)+gammaln(df2-D+1)-gammaln(df2+1) ... +gammaln(D/2+1)+gammaln((df1+df2)/2)-gammaln((df1+df2-D)/2)); % Check: E(exp(Y))=sum(ff.*exp(y)*dy) should equal mu0 alpha=p/rhoD/mu0*fwhm^D; % Integrate the density to get the p-value for one cluster: pS=cumsum(ff(ny:-1:1))*dy; pS=pS(ny:-1:1); % The number of clusters is Poisson with mean EL: pSmax=1-exp(-pS*EL); if p_val_extent(1) < 1 % Make sure pSmax is monotonic: monotonic=find(diff(pSmax)<0.000001*min(diff(pSmax))); yval=interp1(pSmax(monotonic),y(monotonic),p_val_extent); % Spatial extent is alpha*exp(Y) -dy/2 correction for mid-point rule: extent_threshold=alpha*exp(yval-dy/2) else % p_val_extent is now treated as a spatial extent: P_val_extent=interp1(y,pSmax,log(p_val_extent/alpha)+dy/2) extent_threshold=P_val_extent; end % For a single cluster: pSmax=1-exp(-pS); if p_val_extent(1) < 1 % Make sure pSmax is monotonic: monotonic=find(diff(pSmax)<0.000001*min(diff(pSmax))); yval=interp1(pSmax(monotonic),y(monotonic),p_val_extent); % Spatial extent is alpha*exp(Y) -dy/2 correction for mid-point rule: extent_threshold_1=alpha*exp(yval-dy/2) else % p_val_extent is now treated as a spatial extent: P_val_extent_1=interp1(y,pSmax,log(p_val_extent/alpha)+dy/2) extent_threshold_1=P_val_extent_1; end end % End