function df = multistat(input_files_Y,input_files_sd,input_files_df, ... input_files_fwhm,X,contrast,output_file_base,which_stats, ... fwhm_varatio,niter) %MULTISTAT % % Combines effects (E) and their standard errors (S) using a linear mixed % effects model: E = X b + e_fixed + e_random, where % b is a vector of unknown coefficients, % e_fixed is normal with mean zero, standard deviation S, % e_random is normal with mean zero, standard deviation sigma (unknown). % The model is fitted by REML using the EM algorithm with NITER iterations. % WARNING: % 1. Multistat is very slow if X is a matrix with more than one column, % since it loops over voxels, rather than doing calculations in parallel. % 2. There may be some spurious extreme values in the results where the % algorithm has not converged, often in voxels outside the brain. % % DF = MULTISTAT( INPUT_FILES_EFFECT , INPUT_FILES_SDEFFECT , % INPUT_FILES_DF [, INPUT_FILES_FWHM [, X [, % [, CONTRAST [, OUTPUT_FILE_BASE [, WHICH_STATS % [, FWHM_VARATIO [, NITER ]]]]]]]] ) % % INPUT_FILES_EFFECT is the input fmri effect files, the dependent variables, % usually the _ef.img or _ef.mnc files, padded with extra blanks if necessary; % they will be removed before use. % % INPUT_FILES_SDEFFECT is the input fmri sdeffect files, the standard % deviations of the dependent variables, usually the _sd.img or _sd.mnc files, % padded with extra blanks if necessary; they will be removed before use. % If INPUT_FILES_SDEFFECT=[], then INPUT_FILES_SDEFFECT is assumed to be % zero for all voxels, INPUT_FILES_DF is set to Inf, and FWHM_VARATIO now % smoothes the voxel sd. This allows multistat to duplicate DOT for % analysing PET data (with smoothed voxel sd, rather than pooled sd). % % INPUT_FILES_DF is the row vector of degrees of freedom of the input files % as printed out by fmrilm.m. If it is a scalar, it is repeated to fill. % % INPUT_FILES_FWHM is the fwhm in mm of the original fMRI data. It is only % used to calculate the degrees of freedom, printed out at the beginning. % Default is 6. % % X is the design matrix, whose rows are the files, and columns % are the explanatory (independent) variables of interest. % Default is X=[1; 1; 1; ..1] which just averages the files. If the % rank of X equals the number of files, e.g. if X is square, then % the random effects cannot be estinmated, but the fixed effects % sd's can be used for the standard error. This is done very quickly. % % CONTRAST is a row vector of contrasts for the statistic images. % Default is [1 0 ... 0], i.e. it picks out the first column of X. % % OUTPUT_FILE_BASE: Base for output statistics. Default is the first % INPUT_FILES_EFFECT name minus the extension. % % WHICH_STATS: logical row vector indicating output statistics by 1. % Columns correspond to: % 1: T statistic image, OUTPUT_FILE_BASE_t.mnc or .img. The degrees % of freedom is DF. Note that tstat=effect/sdeffect. % 2: effect image, OUTPUT_FILE_BASE_ef.mnc or .img. % 3: standard deviation of the effect, OUTPUT_FILE_BASE_sd.mnc or .img. % 4: ratio of random effects standard deviation to fixed effects % standard deviation, OUTPUT_FILE_BASE_sdratio.mnc or .img. % If the number of columns is less than 4 it is padded with zeros. % Default is 1. % % FWHM_VARATIO is the fwhm in mm of the Gaussian filter used to smooth the % ratio of the random effects variance divided by the fixed effects variance. % - 0 will do no smoothing, and give a purely random effects analysis; % - Inf will do complete smoothing to a global ratio of one, giving a % purely fixed effects analysis. % The higher the FWHM_VARATIO, the higher the ultimate degrees of % freedom DF of the tstat image (printed out at the beginning of the run), % and the more sensitive the test. However too much smoothing will % bias the results. The program prints and returns DF as its value; % if it is too low, press control c to cancel, and try increasing % FWHM_VARATIO. Default is 15. % % NITER is the number of iterations of the EM algorithm. Default is 10. % % DF is the approximate (residual) degrees of freedom of the T statistics. %############################################################################ % COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2000 K.J. Worsley and C. Liao, % Department of Mathematics and Statistics, % McConnell Brain Imaging Center, % Montreal Neurological Institute, % McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. %, % % Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this % software and its documentation for any purpose and without % fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright % notice appear in all copies. The author and McGill University % make no representations about the suitability of this % software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without % express or implied warranty. %############################################################################ % Defaults: if nargin < 4 input_files_fwhm=6 end if nargin < 5 X=ones(size(input_files_Y,1),1) end if nargin < 6 contrast=[1 zeros(1,size(X,2)-1)] end if nargin < 7 first_file=deblank(input_files_Y(1,:)) sinf=size(first_file,2) if input_files_Y(1,sinf) == 'z' output_file_base=first_file(1,1:(sinf-7)) else output_file_base=first_file(1,1:(sinf-4)) end end if nargin < 8 which_stats=1 end if nargin < 9 fwhm_varatio=15 end if nargin < 10 niter=10 end % Open images: n=size(input_files_Y,1) for ifile=1:n ifile in_handle_Y(ifile)=fmris_read_image(deblank(input_files_Y(ifile,:))); if ~isempty(input_files_sd) in_handle_sd(ifile)=fmris_read_image(deblank(input_files_sd(ifile,:))); end end numslices=in_handle_Y(1).dim(3) numys=in_handle_Y(1).dim(2) numxs=in_handle_Y(1).dim(1) numpix=numys*numxs; Steps=in_handle_Y(1).vox numcolX=size(contrast,2) file_path=in_handle_Y(1).file_path; ext=deblank(input_files_Y(ifile,:));ext=ext((length(ext)-2):length(ext)); % Open files for writing: which_stats=[which_stats zeros(1,4-size(which_stats,2))] if which_stats(1) out_handle_tstat.file_name=[deblank(output_file_base) '_t.' ext]; out_handle_tstat.file_path=file_path; out_handle_tstat.dim=[numxs numys numslices 0]; out_handle_tstat.parent_file=deblank(input_files_Y(1,:)); out_handle_tstat.precision='float'; out_handle_tstat.descrip=''; end if which_stats(2) out_handle_effect.file_name=[deblank(output_file_base) '_ef.' ext]; out_handle_effect.file_path=file_path; out_handle_effect.dim=[numxs numys numslices 0]; out_handle_effect.parent_file=deblank(input_files_Y(1,:)); out_handle_effect.precision='float'; out_handle_effect.descrip=''; end if which_stats(3) out_handle_sdeffect.file_name=[deblank(output_file_base) '_sd.' ext]; out_handle_sdeffect.file_path=file_path; out_handle_sdeffect.dim=[numxs numys numslices 0]; out_handle_sdeffect.parent_file=deblank(input_files_Y(1,:)); out_handle_sdeffect.precision='float'; out_handle_sdeffect.descrip=''; end X2=X'.^2; p=rank(X) Df=n-p if Df>0 % Degrees of freedom is greater than zero, so do mixed effects analysis: if which_stats(4) out_handle_sdratio.file_name=[deblank(output_file_base) '_sdratio.' ext]; out_handle_sdratio.file_path=file_path; out_handle_sdratio.dim=[numxs numys numslices 0]; out_handle_sdratio.parent_file=deblank(input_files_Y(1,:)); out_handle_sdratio.precision='float'; out_handle_sdratio.descrip=''; end if isempty(input_files_sd) input_files_df=Inf end if length(input_files_df)==1 input_files_df=ones(1,n)*input_files_df end df_fixed=sum(input_files_df) % Set-up for loop over voxels: Y=zeros(n,numpix); S=ones(n,numpix); varatio_vol=zeros(numpix, numslices); if (fwhm_varatio0) fwhm_x=fwhm_varatio/abs(Steps(1)); ker_x=exp(-(-ceil(fwhm_x):ceil(fwhm_x)).^2*4*log(2)/fwhm_x^2); ker_x=ker_x/sum(ker_x); fwhm_y=fwhm_varatio/abs(Steps(2)); ker_y=exp(-(-ceil(fwhm_y):ceil(fwhm_y)).^2*4*log(2)/fwhm_y^2); ker_y=ker_y/sum(ker_y); ker_xy=ker_x'*ker_y; fwhm_z=fwhm_varatio/abs(Steps(3)); ker_z=exp(-(0:(numslices-1)).^2*4*log(2)/fwhm_z^2); K=toeplitz(ker_z); K=K./(ones(numslices)*K); else ker_xy=1; K=eye(numslices); end % Calculate degrees of freedom: df_indep=Df/(sum(sum(ker_xy.^2))*sum(sum(K.^2))/numslices) df_correl=Df*(2*(fwhm_varatio/input_files_fwhm)^2+1)^(3/2) df=round(1/(1/min(df_indep,df_correl)+1/df_fixed)) % Now loop over voxels to get variance ratio, varatio: Sreduction=0.99 for slice=1:numslices slice for ifile=1:n d=fmris_read_image(deblank(input_files_Y(ifile,:)),slice,1); Y(ifile,:)=reshape(,1,numpix); end sigma2=sum((Y-X*pinv(X)*Y).^2,1)/Df; if ~isempty(input_files_sd) for ifile=1:n d=fmris_read_image(deblank(input_files_sd(ifile,:)),slice,1); S(ifile,:)=reshape(,1,numpix).^2; end minS=min(S)*Sreduction; Sm=S-ones(n,1)*minS; if size(X,2)==1 % When X is a vector, calculations can be done in parallel: for iter=1:niter Sms=Sm+ones(n,1)*sigma2; W=(Sms>0)./(Sms+(Sms<=0)); X2W=X2*W; XWXinv=(X2W>0)./(X2W+(X2W<=0)); betahat=XWXinv.*(X'*(W.*Y)); R=W.*(Y-X*betahat); ptrS=p+sum(Sm.*W,1)-(X2*(Sm.*W.^2)).*XWXinv; sigma2=(sigma2.*ptrS+(sigma2.^2).*sum(R.^2,1))/n; end sigma2=sigma2-minS; else % Otherwise when X is a matrix, we have to loop over voxels: for pix=1:numpix sigma2_pix=sigma2(pix); Sm_pix=Sm(:,pix); Y_pix=Y(:,pix); for iter=1:niter Sms=Sm_pix+sigma2_pix; W=(Sms>0)./(Sms+(Sms<=0)); Whalf=diag(sqrt(W)); WhalfX=Whalf*X; pinvX=pinv(WhalfX); WhalfY=Whalf*Y_pix; betahat=pinvX*WhalfY; R=WhalfY-WhalfX*betahat; SW=diag(Sm_pix.*W); ptrS=p+sum(Sm_pix.*W,1)-sum(sum((SW*WhalfX).*pinvX')); sigma2_pix=(sigma2_pix.*ptrS+ ... (sigma2_pix.^2).*sum(W.*(R.^2),1))/n; end sigma2(pix)=sigma2_pix-minS(pix); end end varfix=input_files_df*S/df_fixed; varatio=sigma2./(varfix+(varfix<=0)).*(varfix>0); varatio_slice=reshape(varatio,numxs,numys); varatio_slice=conv2(varatio_slice,ker_xy,'same'); varatio_vol(:,slice)=reshape(varatio_slice,numpix,1); end end % Smooth varatio in z direction: if fwhm_varatio>0 varatio_vol=varatio_vol*K; end else df=round(df_fixed) end effect_slice=zeros(numpix,1); sdeffect_slice=zeros(numpix,1); % Second loop over slices to get statistics: for slice=1:numslices slice for ifile=1:n d=fmris_read_image(deblank(input_files_Y(ifile,:)),slice,1); Y(ifile,:)=reshape(,1,numpix); end if ~isempty(input_files_sd) for ifile=1:n d=fmris_read_image(deblank(input_files_sd(ifile,:)),slice,1); S(ifile,:)=reshape(,1,numpix).^2; end varfix=input_files_df*S/df_fixed; sigma2=varatio_vol(:,slice)'.*varfix; Sigma=S+ones(n,1)*sigma2; % To ensure that Sigma is always positive: if fwhm_varatio>0 Sigma=max(Sigma,S*0.25); end W=(Sigma>0)./(Sigma+(Sigma<=0)); else sigma2=varatio_vol(:,slice)'; W=ones(n,1)*((sigma2>0)./(sigma2+(sigma2<=0))); end if size(X,2)==1 % Do calculations in parallel: X2W=X2*W; XWXinv=(X2W>0)./(X2W+(X2W<=0)); betahat=XWXinv.*(X'*(W.*Y)); effect_slice=contrast*betahat'; sdeffect_slice=contrast*sqrt(XWXinv)'; else % Loop over pixels: for pix=1:numpix Whalf=diag(sqrt(W(:,pix))); pinvX=pinv(Whalf*X); betahat=pinvX*Whalf*Y(:,pix); effect_slice(pix)=contrast*betahat; sdeffect_slice(pix)=norm(contrast*pinvX); end end tstat_slice=effect_slice./(sdeffect_slice+(sdeffect_slice<=0)) ... .*(sdeffect_slice>0); sdratio_slice=sqrt(varatio_vol(:,slice)+1); if which_stats(1),numxs,numys); fmris_write_image(out_handle_tstat,slice,1); end if which_stats(2),numxs,numys); fmris_write_image(out_handle_effect,slice,1); end if which_stats(3),numxs,numys); fmris_write_image(out_handle_sdeffect,slice,1); end if which_stats(4),numxs,numys); fmris_write_image(out_handle_sdratio,slice,1); end end else % If degrees of freedom is zero, estimate effects by least squares, % and use the standard errors to estimate the sdeffect. Y=zeros(n,numpix); S=ones(n,numpix); cXinv=contrast*pinv(X); cXinv2=cXinv.^2; for slice=1:numslices slice for ifile=1:n d=fmris_read_image(deblank(input_files_Y(ifile,:)),slice,1); Y(ifile,:)=reshape(,1,numpix); end if ~isempty(input_files_sd) for ifile=1:n d=fmris_read_image(deblank(input_files_sd(ifile,:)),slice,1); S(ifile,:)=reshape(,1,numpix).^2; end end effect_slice=(cXinv*Y)'; sdeffect_slice=sqrt(cXinv2*S)'; tstat_slice=effect_slice./(sdeffect_slice+(sdeffect_slice<=0)) ... .*(sdeffect_slice>0); if which_stats(1),numxs,numys); fmris_write_image(out_handle_tstat,slice,1); end if which_stats(2),numxs,numys); fmris_write_image(out_handle_effect,slice,1); end if which_stats(3),numxs,numys); fmris_write_image(out_handle_sdeffect,slice,1); end end df=0; end % End.