function resels=mask_resels(fwhm_info, dfw, mask_file, mask_thresh, ... output_file_base) %MASK_RESELS finds (non-)isotropic resels for a smooth mask % % RESELS = MASK_RESELS( FWHM_INFO, DFW, MASK_FILE [, MASK_THRESH % [, OUTPUT_FILE_BASE]]); % % FWHM_INFO: for isotropic data, the scalar FWHM (mm); for non- % isotropic data, the name of a file(s) of whitened normalized residuals % e.g. wresid file from fmrilm.m or multistat.m with which_stats(7)=1. % It can be a single 4D image file with multiple frames, % or a matrix of image file names, each with a single 3D frame, either % ANALYZE (.img) or MINC (.mnc) format. Extra blanks are ignored. File % separator can be / or \ on Windows. Gzipped files are gunzipped on unix. % The first 3 dimesnions are space, the fourth is the whitened residuals. % % DFW=[DFW1 DFW2]: If FWHM_INFO is a wresid file from multistat.m, then % DFW1 and DFW2 are the numerator and denominator df of the wresid's. % Set DFW=[DF_RESID DF] from output of multistat.m. This is only used to % correct the bias in estimating the resels. It is not needed for wresid % files from fmrilm, where DFW1=DFW2=DF, since the resels are unbiased % if DFW1=DFW2, in which case set DFW=[] to skip the bias correction. % % MASK_FILE: A continuous volume to define the mask. If it has multiple % frames, then the first frame is used. % % MASK_THRESH defines the search volume as the first frame of MASK_FILE % > MASK_THRESH. If MASK_THRESH is a vector [a b], a<=b, then mask % is a < MASK_FILE <= b. If empty (default), calls fmri_mask_thresh. % % RESELS is the vector of resels for dimensions 0:3 suitable as the % first parameter of stat_threshold.m. % % OUTPUT_FILE_BASE: If given, calls tet_curv.m to calculate 1D % Lipschitz Killing curvature density in OUTPUT_FILE_BASE_curv.ext. % The integral of the curvature density^3 is the contribution from the % interior of the search region to the 1D Lipschitz-Killing curvature. % % If FWHM_INFO is a scalar, it makes a 4D image file of Euclidean % coordinates of the mask voxels. It passes this file or the wresid file % to mask_mesh.m which 'moves' the coordinate mesh out to the boundary % of the mask. Then it calls mesh_tet.m to find edge lengths of a % tetrahedral mesh that fills the mask. This and the extended mask are % passed to intrinsicvol.m to find the intrinsic volumes, which are % finally converted to resels. The program needs scratch disk space, % which it finds in either the directory of mask_file (isotropic case) % or wresid_file (non-isotropic case) using these files minus extension % as a base. It cleans up as it goes, producing spurious warning % messages if it tries to delete a file that was not already created. if nargin<4 mask_thresh=fmri_mask_thresh(mask_file); end if isempty(mask_thresh) mask_thresh=fmri_mask_thresh(mask_file); end if isstr(fwhm_info) fwhm=sqrt(4*log(2)); [base,ext]=fileparts2(fwhm_info(1,:)); else fwhm=fwhm_info; d=fmris_read_image(mask_file,0,0); [base,ext]=fileparts2(mask_file(1,:)); base=[base '_coord']; if exist([base ext],'file'); delete([base ext]); end d.file_name=[base ext]; d.dim(4)=3; d.parent_file=mask_file; [x,y]=ndgrid((0:d.dim(1)-1)*d.vox(1)+d.origin(1), ... (0:d.dim(2)-1)*d.vox(2)+d.origin(2));,d.dim(2),3);,:,1)=x;,:,2)=y; for k=1:d.dim(3),:,3)=ones(d.dim(1),d.dim(2))*((k-1)*d.vox(3)+d.origin(3)); fmris_write_image(d,k,1:3); end end if exist([base '_mesh' ext],'file'); delete([base '_mesh' ext]); end if exist([base '_mask' ext],'file'); delete([base '_mask' ext]); end mask_mesh([base ext], base, mask_file, mask_thresh, isstr(fwhm_info)); if ~isstr(fwhm_info) & exist([base ext],'file'); delete([base ext]); end if exist([base '_tet' ext],'file'); delete([base '_tet' ext]); end mesh_tet([base '_mesh' ext], base); if exist([base '_mesh' ext],'file'); delete([base '_mesh' ext]); end invol=intrinsicvol([base '_tet' ext], [base '_mask' ext], 0.5); if nargin>4 & ~isempty(dfw) tet_curv([base '_tet' ext], output_file_base, dfw); end if exist([base '_mask' ext],'file'); delete([base '_mask' ext]); end if exist([base '_tet' ext],'file'); delete([base '_tet' ext]); end resels=invol./fwhm.^(0:3); if ~isempty(dfw) df_resid=dfw(1); df=dfw(2); alphar=1/2; dr=df_resid/df; biasr=ones(1,4); for D=1:3 dv=df_resid-dr-(0:D-1); biasr(D+1)=exp(sum(gammaln(dv/2+alphar)-gammaln(dv/2)) ... +gammaln(df/2-D*alphar)-gammaln(df/2))*dr^(-D*alphar); end biasr resels=resels./biasr; end resels return