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189-570A: Higher Algebra 1


The assignments are an essential part of the course. You should plan to devote at least twenty hours (and quite possibly more) to the assignments.
If you are stuck on a problem, you may seek out the help of the professor or one of your classmates. It is OK to work on the assignments in groups, although you should hand them in individually. Do not neglect the assignments: experience shows there is a strong correlation between the work you put into them and how much you learn in the course, which will of course be reflected in your final exam performance.
The assignments are to be handed in according to the schedule indicated below. They will be graded and returned to you in the week after it was handed in. Late assignments will not be accepted.

  1. Assignment 1 (pdf, or tex, or dvi, or ps.) Due: Monday, October 2.
  2. Assignment 2 (pdf, or tex, or dvi, or ps.) Due: Monday, October 23.
  3. Assignment 3 (pdf, or tex, or dvi, or ps.) Due: Monday, November 20.
  4. Assignment 4 (pdf, or tex, or dvi, or ps.) Due: Monday, December 4.