\documentstyle[12pt]{report} \newcommand{\sk}{\vskip 0.2in} \newcommand{\lra}{\longrightarrow} \newcommand{\Z}{{\bf Z}} \begin{document} \begin{center} {\Huge 189-235A: Basic Algebra I} \\ \vskip 0.1in {\Huge Assignment 8} \\ \vskip 0.1in {\Large Due: Wednesday, November 20 } \end{center} \sk \noindent {\bf Section 9.1}: 6, 22, 24, 30. \sk\noindent {\bf Section 9.2}: 12, 13, 15, 32. \sk\noindent {\bf Section 9.3}: 9, 11. \sk\noindent 11. In class, we showed that the ring $\Z[i]$ is a Euclidean domain, and hence, a unique factorization domain. We concluded that every prime which is congruent to $1$ mod $4$ is a sum of two integer squares. In this question, we will prove the following theorem due to Lagrange: \noindent {\em Every positive integer can be written as a sum of $4$ integer squares.} \noindent (For example, $2=1^2+1^2+0^2+0^2, 7 = 2^2+1^2+1^2+1^2$, etc.) \sk\noindent a) Verify Lagrange's theorem empirically, by expressing $23$ and $107$ as a sum of four squares. \sk\noindent b) Recall the ring of Hurwitz integer quaternions: $$ R = \{ a+ bi + cj + dk \},$$ where $a,b,c,d$ are either all integers or halves of odd integers, and $i,j,k$ satisfy $$ i^2 = j^2=k^2=-1, \quad ij=-ji=k, \quad jk=-kj =i,\quad ki=-ik =j.$$ In a previous assignment, you showed that $R$ is a (non-commutative!) ring with identity, and that the ``quaternionic norm" $\delta:R\lra \{0,1,2,\ldots\}$ defined by: $$\delta(a+bi+cj+dk) = a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2 $$ satisfies $\delta(r_1 r_2)=\delta(r_1)\delta(r_2)$ for all $r_1,r_2\in R$. Using the quaternionic norm, show that if $a$ and $b$ are two integers which are sums of $4$ squares, then their product $ab$ is also a sum of four squares. Hence it is enough to prove that every odd prime $p$ is a sum of four squares, to prove Lagrange's theorem. From now on, fix an odd prime $p$. \sk\noindent c) Show that there exists $x$ and $y$ in $\Z_p$ such that $x^2 + y^2 + 1 =0$ in $\Z_p$. (Hint: note that the expressions of the form $x^2$ and $-1-y^2$ each take on exactly $(p+1)/2$ distinct values in $\Z_p$.) Conclude that there exist integers $a$ and $b$ such that $a^2+b^2+1=pm$, with $m