1. Marta Bunge, Relative Functor Categories and Categories of Algebras. J.of Algebra 11 (1969) 64-101.

  2. Marta Bunge, Relative Functor Categories and Categories of Algebras. Russian translation in : Mathematics: Periodical collections of Translations of Foreign Articles, Vol.16, Izdat. "Mir", Moscow(1972) 11-46, MR 50, #12532 (Editors).

  3. Marta Bunge, Bifibration-Induced Adjoint Pairs. in: J. Gray (editor), Reports of the Midwest Category Seminar V - Zurich 1970. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 195 (1971) 70-121.

  4. Marta Bunge, Coherent Extensions and Relational Algebras. Trans. Amer.Math.Soc. 197 (1974) 355-390.

  5. Marta Bunge, Topos Theory and Souslin's Hypothesis. J.Pure & Applied Algebra 4 (1974) 159-187.

  6. Marta Bunge, Internal Presheaves Toposes. Cahiers de Top. et geo. Diff. XVIII-3 (1977) 291-330.

  7. Marta Bunge, On the Relationship between Composite and Tensor Product Triples. J. Pure & Applied Algebra 13 (1978) 419-438.

  8. Marta Bunge and Robert Pare, Stacks and Equivalence of Indexed Categories. Cahiers de Top. et Geo.Diff. XX-4 (1979) 373-399.

  9. Marta Bunge, Stack Completions and Morita Equivalence for Category Objects in a Topos. Cahiers de Top. et Geo.Diff. XX-4 (1979) 401-436.

  10. Marta Bunge and Gonzalo Reyes, Boolean Spectra and Model Completions. Fundamenta Mathematicae CXIII (1981) 165-173.

  11. Marta Bunge, Sheaves and Prime Model Extensions. J. of Algebra 68 (1981) 79-96.

  12. Marta Bunge, Models of Differential Algebra in the context of Synthetic Differential Geometry.Cahiers de Top. et Geo. Diff. XXII-1 (1981) 31-44.

  13. Marta Bunge, On the transfer of an abstract Nullstellensatz. Comm. in Algebra 10 - 17 (1982) 1891-1906.<

  14. Marta Bunge, Synthetic Aspects of C-infinity Mappings. J.Pure and Applied Algebra 28 (1983) 41-63.

  15. Marta Bunge and Murray Heggie, Synthetic calculus of Variations. in : J. Gray (editor). Mathematical Applications of Category Theory. Contemporary Mathematics 30, Amer. Math. Society (1984) 30-62.

  16. Marta Bunge, Toposes in Logic and Logic in Toposes. Topoi 3 (1984) 13-22.

  17. Marta Bunge and Patrice Sawyer, On connections, geodesics and sprays in SDG, Cahiers de Top. et Geo. Diff. XXV-5 (1984), 221-258.

  18. Marta Bunge and Eduardo Dubuc, Local Concepts in Synthetic Differential Geometry and Germ Representability. in : D. Kueker et al. (editors) , Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York & Basel, 1987.

  19. Marta Bunge and Eduardo Dubuc, Archimedian Local C-infinity-Rings and Models of Synthetic Differential Geometry. Cahiers de Top. et Geo. Diff. Cat. XXVIII-3 (1986) 3-22.

  20. Marta Bunge, On a synthetic proof of the Ambrose-Palais-Singer Theorem for Infinitesimally Linear Spaces. Cahiers de Top. et Geo. Diff. Cat. XXVIII-2 (1987) 127-142.

  21. Marta Bunge and Felipe Gago Synthetic aspects of C-inf Mappings II: Mather's theorem for infinitesimally represented germs, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 55 (1988) 213-250.

  22. Marta Bunge, An application of descent to a classification theorem for toposes, Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc 107 (1990) 59-79

  23. Marta Bunge, Classifying Toposes and Fundamental Localic Groupoids, in : R. Seely (editor), Proceedings of the Conference on Category Theory 1991, Canadian Math. Soc. Conference Proceedings 113 (1992) 75-96.

  24. Marta Bunge, Universal Localic Covering Toposes. C. R. Math. Re. Acad. Sci. Canada XIV, n. 6 (1992) 245-250.

  25. Marta Bunge, Cosheaves and Distributions on Toposes Algebra Universalis 34 (1995) 233-249.

  26. Marta Bunge and Aurelio Carboni, The Symmetric Topos, Journal of Pure & Applied Algebra 105 (1995) 223 - 249.

  27. Marta Bunge and Jonathon Funk, Constructive Theory of the Lower Power Locale, Math. Structures in Computer Science 6 (1996) 1-15.

  28. Marta Bunge and Jonathon Funk, Spreads and the Symmetric Topos. Journal of Pure & Applied Algebra 113 (1996) 1-38.

  29. Marta Bunge and Ieke Moerdijk, The construction of the Grothendieck fundamental group of a topos by paths, Journal of Pure & Appl. Algebra 116 (1996) 99 - 113.

  30. Marta Bunge and Jonathon Funk, Spreads and the Symmetric Topos II, Journal of Pure & Appl. Algebra, 130 (1998) 49-84.

  31. Marta Bunge and Jonathon Funk, On a bicomma object condition for KZ-doctrines, Journal of Pure & Applied Algebra, 143 (1999) 69-105.

  32. Marta Bunge and Susan Niefield, Exponentiability and single universes,Journal of Pure & Appl. Algebra 148, #3 (2000) 217-250.

  33. Marta Bunge and Marcelo Fiore, Unique Factorization Lifting Functors and Categories of Processes, Math. Structures in Computer Science 10, #2 (2000) 137-163.

  34. Marta Bunge, Jonathon Funk, Mamuka Jibladze and Thomas Streicher, Distribution Algebras and Duality, Advances in Mathematics 156 (2000) 133-155.

  35. Marta Bunge, Jonathon Funk, Mamuka Jibladze and Thomas Streicher, The Michael Completion of a Topos Spread, Journal of Pure & Applied Algebra 175 (2002) 63--91.

  36. Marta Bunge and Stephen Lack Van Kampen theorems for toposes, Advances in Mathematics 179 (2003) 291-317.

  37. Marta Bunge Galois Groupoids and Covering Morphisms in Topos Theory , in: G. Janelidze et al. (editors), Galois Theory, Hopf Algebras, and Semiabelian Categories. Fields Institute Communications 43, AMS (2004) 131--162. .

  38. Marta Bunge, Jonathon Funk, Mamuka Jibladze and Thomas Streicher, Definable Completeness, Cahiers de Topologie et Geometrie Differentielle Categoriques, volume XLV-4 (2004) 243--266 .

  39. Marta Bunge and Jonathon Funk. Singular Coverings of Toposes, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1890 (2006), Springer-Verlag. 225 pages. .

  40. Marta Bunge and Jonathon Funk An intrinsic characterization of branched coverings., in: A. Davydov et al. (editors), Categories in Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics. Contemporary Mathematics 431(2007) 125--142.

  41. Marta Bunge and Jonathon Funk Quasicomponents in topos theory: the hyperpure, complete spread factorization. Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc 142-1 (2007) 47--68.

  42. Marta Bunge and Jonathon Funk Quasi Locally Connected Toposes, Theorie et Applications des Categories 18-8 (2007) 209--239.

  43. Marta Bunge Fundamental Pushout Toposes, Theorie et Applications des Categories 20-9 (2008) 186--214.

  44. Marta Bunge and Claudio Hermida, Pseudomonadicity and 2-stack completions, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, 2012, p. 1-27.
  45. Marta Bunge, Tightly Bounded Completions, TAC 28 (8) 2013, p. 213-240.
  46. Marta Bunge, Pitts Monads and a Lax Descent Theorem, Tbilisi Math. Journal 8 (1) (2015) p. 1-29.